since Timely Vote Credits has been implemented on Solana, all the big validators are using private networks like bloXroute… which costs $1250 USD per month, so now it costs $800 + $1250 per month to run a performant validator… ofc the small validators cannot afford that, so all this proposal has done is put a moat around the big players… previously small but high performing validators are now WAY DOWN on the leaderboard, big players with their Private Lanes are all at the top… SLOW CLAP.
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So that means faster confirmations, low fees, and high throughput. Happy to see that. Lets go Solana to the moon!
I am happy to see further voting on Aligning the SIMD Process - Governance - Solana Developer Forums
What 123test wrote is entirely untrue, but it is true that TVC encourages what you said; just not in the “unfair” way that 123test is claiming.
People are using “private lanes” - this is definitely true.
Not because of TVC. I guarantee you that these “private lanes” did not come about just because of TVC, and would not have come about if it were only for TVC. Unrelated issue.